Sports Medicine
For the Treatment of Injuries, Sports Performance, Post-Surgery & Prevention
Everything you need to heal yourself is in your blood. Acupuncture floods the injured area with fresh blood and oxygen to promote faster healing.
A study shows acupuncture downregulates a proinflammatory biochemical (tumor necrosis factor alpha), which results in anti-inflammatory responses.
Pain Relief
Acupuncture releases endogenous opioids, or natural pain-relieving substances in the body. It can be just as effective, if not more, than taking pain medication.
Range of Motion
Stimulating motor points, or the area of the muscle with the most nerve endings, re-sets dysfunctional muscles that are in spasm or not firing properly. Muscles are able to relax and lengthen which increases range of motion and flexibility.
Elite athletes often suffer from fatigued muscles and sore joints. Acupuncture targets these specific areas to decrease healing time and decrease muscle and joint soreness.
When the body is in balance, everything works better. Acupuncture helps with posture, range of motion, flexibility, muscle compensation, joint health, and muscles gliding over each other properly.
Scar Tissue / Fascial Adhesions
Old injuries and tight muscles can create scar tissue, restricted movement, and pain. Acupuncture breaks up these adhesions, or fibrous knots in the tissue, to provide optimal total body functioning.
Acupuncture reduces swelling, pain, decreases scar tissue, and increases range of motion. It works great with alongside physical therapy, chiropractic, and massage.
Car accidents
We work closely with an extensive network of medical specialists and local attorneys to assist you through healing after a car accident.